Oklahoma White Collar Crimes & Fraud
Lawyers: Marco Palumbo & Associates
Oklahoma Criminal
Defense Lawyers at the Law Firm
of Marco Palumbo & Associates
are extremely
familiar with Oklahoma White Collar Crimes
Defense Strategies. Our experienced criminal
defense lawyers understand that criminal
charges can be confusing, devastating,
frightening and life changing. If you have
been charged with any of following white
collar crimes, contact the Oklahoma Criminal
Law Lawyers at Marco Palumbo & Associates.
You need experienced Criminal Defense
Lawyers on your side to be sure that your
rights are protected, the evidence against
you was obtained legally, and all
proceedings are conducted properly. Many
defenses are available, and contacting an
experienced attorney as soon as possible
provides the best opportunity for a
successful defense or dismissal.
Oklahoma Criminal Defense Attorneys have represented
clients in OVER
2,000 criminal cases, ranging from
DUI's to First Degree Murders.
Contact us today, for a FREE confidential
case review.
White Collar Crimes:
Bank fraud
Business Fraud
Consumer Fraud
Computer Crimes
Credit Card Fraud
Government Corruption
Healthcare Fraud
Identity Theft
Insurance Fraud
Mail Fraud
Money Laundering
Securities Fraud
Tax Evasion
Oklahoma Criminal Defense
Lawyers at Marco Palumbo &
Associates are
highly experienced attorneys. Our law firm
will work hard for you, and defend your
rights from arraignment through
post-conviction proceedings. It is strongly
recommended, that you contact us before you
talk with the police, the district attorney,
jail staff or anyone else.
Hour Service:
Call Now!
405 708-7233