Special Notice

Whether you need competent Oklahoma
Attorneys to represent you on legal issues involving medical malpractice, criminal law, personal injury, family
law or estates and trust, we can help you.
When you select the Law Firm of Marco Palumbo & Associates, you
have made a decision to work with a very high powered law firm dedicated to
protecting your legal rights and interest.
Please call anytime without obligation. It would be a pleasure to talk with you
and answer any questions you might have.


Marco Palumbo & Associates
We realize the importance of
providing 24 hour telephone
service in your time of need,
us day or night.
24 Hour Phone: 405 708-7233
Oklahoma City:
1103 NW 87th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Oklahoma Medical Malpractice Lawyers, to learn more
click below:
Oklahoma LAWYERs Medical Malpractice
Oklahoma Lawyers Medical Malpractice, Marco
Palumbo & Associates
Medical malpractice
is an
act or omission by a health care provider
which deviates from accepted standards of
practice in the medical community and which
causes injury to the patient. Simply put,
medical malpractice is professional
negligence (by a healthcare provider) that
causes an injury.
Medical malpractice comes in many
different forms including; diagnostic
errors, surgical errors, amputation errors,
emergency room errors, failure to diagnose
an illness, birth injuries, improper
outpatient care, etc. In all malpractice
case, the patient must have suffered a
personal injury directly due to the
healthcare provider’s error, and the medical
error must be considered below the standard
level of healthcare given across the United
If you have been a
victim of Medical Malpractice,
the Oklahoma Medical Malpractice Lawyers at
Marco Palumbo & Associates are here to help you we get what
you deserve.
Contact us today, for a FREE confidential
case review.
A recent study by
Healthgrades found that an average of
195,000 hospital deaths in each of the years
2000, 2001 and 2002 in the U.S. were due to
potentially preventable medical errors.
According to the American Academy
of Family Physicians. The Academy refers to
a study entitled "Learning from Malpractice
Claims about Negligent, Adverse Events in
Primary Care in the United States". In that
study, researchers looked at primary care
malpractice claims settled between 1985 and
2000 in the United States. The study focused
on a subset of 5,921 claims that were clear
errors. The researchers
68 percent of
the errors were in outpatient settings and
resulted in more than 1,200 deaths.
Negligence was
more likely to have severe outcomes when
they occurred in hospitals, but the
total number of
high severity outcomes and death was larger
in the outpatient setting.
Of the 10 most
prevalent medical conditions with
error-related claims, no single condition
accounted for more than five percent of all
negligent claims.
Diagnostic error
accounted for more than one-third of the
Personal Injury Lawyers at the Law Firm of
Marco Palumbo & Associates
are here to help
you get what you deserve. We will
aggressively pursue your personal injury
case and, help get you just compensation and
justice for your suffering and serious
injury, or death of a loved one caused by
the medical malpractice.
 24 Hour Service:
Call Now!
405 708-7233